> 文章列表 > 拜年贺年英语怎么说呢





我们去亲戚家拜年,英文翻译为\"We went to relatives to pay New Year\'s call\".

翻译成英文:春节人们上街彼此互相拜年要用到greet each other。

春节是中国最重要的节日,人们热衷于在街上互相拜年,英文翻译为\"People greet each other on the street during the Spring Festival\"。



  1. Best wishes for the year to come! (恭贺新禧!)
  2. 这句话可以用于表达对新年的祝福,希望来年一切顺利。

  3. Good luck in the year ahead! (祝吉星高照!)
  4. 这句话可以用于表达对来年的祝愿,希望好运伴随着他们。

  5. May you come in...
  6. 这句话可以用于表达对来年生意兴隆、财富源源不断的祝愿。



  • Happy year of the Rabbit! (兔年吉祥!)
  • 这个祝福可以用于新年时向对方表达对充满吉祥的兔年的祝愿。

  • Wishes for the Rabbit! Happy new year to you! (祝福兔年快乐!我祝你新年快乐!)
  • 这个祝福可以用于在新年时向对方表达对兔年的祝福和新年快乐。

  • I wish you a... (我祝你...)
  • 这个祝福可以根据具体的祝愿内容进行调整,比如\"I wish you a year of joy and happiness\"(我祝你快乐幸福的一年)。



\"Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the new year and to extend to you all my best wishes\"(请允许我祝贺你迎接新年,并向你致以最美好的祝福)。




到了大年初一,我们去互相拜年,英文翻译为\"We will visit each other on the first day of the new year in the Spring Festival\"。



  • 招财进宝,Treasures fill the home。
  • 这个祝福表达了希望家庭财富充足的愿望。

  • 生意兴隆,Business flourishes。
  • 这个祝福表达了对商家希望生意兴隆的祝福。

  • 岁岁平安,Peace all year round。
  • 这个祝福表达了希望每一年都平安无事的祝愿。

  • 和气生财,Harmony brings wealth。
  • 这个祝福表达了希望和睦相处会带来财富的祝愿。

英语作文,《visting relatives》拜年,60词,拜托,急急急?

The spring festival has passed. During the festival, I went to visit some friends and relatives. I had a great time catching up with them and exchanging New Year greetings. It\'s always nice to reconnect with loved ones and celebrate the joyous occasion of the Lunar New Year. I look forward to the next year\'s festivities and more opportunities to bond with family and friends. And as we bid farewell to the Year of the Rabbit, I wish everyone a prosperous and successful Year of the Ox!


I love Spring Festival because I can indulge in a sumptuous New Year\'s Eve dinner, set off fireworks, and pay New Year visits to relatives and friends. The festive atmosphere, delicious food, and joyful traditions make it a special time of the year. It\'s a moment to cherish family bonds and create lasting memories. Happy Spring Festival to everyone!