> 常用软件 > 【bizmind】免费bizmind软件下载





  • 发布时间:2012-08-25
  • 大小:23.00MB
  • 版本:1.6.0


  • 支持系统:win2000/WinXP/Vista/Win7/Win8/win2003/Win8.1/Win10/win11
  • 位数:32/64


BizMind是一款面向商业分析、商业应用的思维导图软件,它是基于Adobe AIR 2.0技术开发的RIA应用软件,具备了很多专业、炫酷的功能,比如,它提供了多种Flash图表功能,用户可以非常便捷的配置出各种专业性的数据图表,还有提供的决策树分析,可对数据进行数据挖掘分析,提供业务决策规则;节点关联计算功能,可以非常方便的构建指标体系,进行指标计算和各因素的变化影响分析;同时它也是一个开放的数据服务平台,可非常方便的和外部数据或程序集成,它的思维导图演示功能极具动感,书页的翻动放映模式也非常酷,制作的思维导图提供了多种导出格式。






one night at the disco i wanted to dance slow 那一晚在舞厅我想要缓缓舞蹈i saw a sweet baby, such a fine lady 我看见了可爱的宝贝,那么时髦。

大好时光 酒吧英文插用汉字翻译是什么歌名曲

Get Ready For This - 2 Unlimited Yall ready for this? R: get down with the style, house on the ground Freeze when I squeeze, pump to your。

Higher完整版歌词 - 145****9434 的回答

every thought in the mind is a planted seed so watch the mind or the thou... and that's how i like it cause that's my biz beatsie beatsie boys gettin 。

Higher完整歌词 - 小红薯98FE9443 的回答

every thought in the mind is a planted seed so watch the mind or the thou... and that's how i like it cause that's my biz beatsie beatsie boys gettin 。


有,能一直做专业对口的工作是一种幸运,没这种幸运就得靠自学了。 以我自己为例,我学校里的专业是中医,毕业以后结婚生孩子,没能在本专业坚持下去。 重新走上...

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G完整版歌词 - 盼盼高高 的回答

Every thought in the mind is a planted seed,So watch the mind or the thou... And that's how I like it cause that's my biz,Beatsie Beatsie Boys gettin 。

Higher 歌词 - 小红薯182E2DE5 的回答

every thought in the mind is a planted seed so watch the mind or the thou... and that's how i like it cause that's my biz beatsie beatsie boys gettin 。

Higher的歌词 - 金佳妮김가니 的回答

every thought in the mind is a planted seed so watch the mind or the thou... and that's how i like it cause that's my biz beatsie beatsie boys gettin 。

I will歌词介绍 - 大圆饼小壁虎 的回答

every thought in the mind is a planted seed so watch the mind or the thou... and that's how i like it cause that's my biz beatsie beatsie boys gettin 。